From the Past

In 1981,
I visited with Mr. Bob
Lehr, [Gyrlie White Lehr/Edward Ocean White/Thomas White] at his
home in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. While I was there, Bob brought
out a box of treasures that he had salvaged from the old Signal Hill
farmhouse before it was abandoned in 1971. The box held a
veritable buffet of our family history.
One of the most exciting was
a series of letters written by George and Sarah March from Wisconsin
back to their daughter and son-in-law, Thomas and Margaret White who
were still in England. These letters detailed their new lives
in America and advised Thomas and Margaret about the particulars of
their impending immigration. Not only are these letters a
treasure to our family but they also reflect the lifestyle of
English immigrants to Lafayette County in the 1840's.
Bob very graciously allowed me to
borrow the letters to transcribe them. Having languished in
the farmhouse attic for so many years, they were in very fragile
condition. I attempted to photocopy them but the ink on most had faded
and the paper discolored to the point that there was barely enough
contrast to read let alone photocopy. I was able to make a
fairly good copy of one letter which I have now scanned
electronically. Click here
to see jpegs of that original. In many places, particularly along the folds,
the paper had simply disintegrated leaving the modern day reader to
guess the contents from context. On the whole, the handwriting
was fairly easy to read--when I could make it out. I returned
the originals to Bob a number of years ago. What is below is a
third generation copy from my original typed transcriptions. I
have not corrected spelling or grammar which may well reflect the
spelling or grammar of the time nor have I made many attempts to
guess at the missing words. I have used empty brackets to
denote missing or illegible text. In some cases, I have
guessed at words from context or from appearance. In those
cases, the "guesses" appear in the brackets. I am
particularly excited to have a fourth great grandmother who was not
only a literate but an articulate writer for a woman of her time.
[I have been told by older family members that the Marches placed a
strong emphasis on education for their children and for the
community.] I am also amused by the contrast of George's lofty prose
and Sarah's list of practical instructions for the trip.
One difficulty that I had in the
transcription was the inability to read the units in the various
prices for items for sale in Wisconsin. They obviously
represent a translation from US currency to the British pound
system but I was not able to make out the symbols in many cases.
If anyone wants to research this and make some suggestions of what
might have been typical equivalent values, I'd be happy to include them here. I
do not have the original letters nor do I know who does.
I believe I have remained true enough
to the original letters to give the rest of the family and others
interested in the history of Lafayette County Wisconsin a glimpse
into our ancestors' personalities and the life of the times.
Addressed to Mr. Thomas
Mossdale, near Reeth
North Rideing of Yorkshire
White Oak Springs, Wis.
March 2nd
pd. 25 J
New Diggins February 26,
Dear son and daughter, I
received your kind letter of the 9th of February and was glad to
hear of all of you being in good health as this leaves us at
present. Thanks be to the Lord for his mercyful goodness towards
both you and us in spareing our lives to this present time as wee
have been such unprofitable servants so long toward him but he is
wonder working God and his grace is sufficient for all who truly
believe in him. Dear children you seem to think that you would be
much more content if you were with us and not more so that wee
should be to have you with us. But if far distant from us and the
seas betwixt us roar you are not out of thought for our prayers
ascend a throne of grace in your behalf both night and day. As
respects our situations the house is made of wood logs and planking
with lath and lime plaster within. Our fireing is likewise wood
which costs us no more than labour. Yet the climate much the same
as with you only a few days a little colder in winter and warmer in
summer. This summer I paid 2 [?] per acre for hay land which
produced 200 stone per acre for 13 acres. The remainder of my hay
land I had given. I payed 4 pounds for a twelve acre field which I
sowed with oates except 2 acres that I let
Wm. Bushby have and
about 1 acre I planted with potatoes. Wee are feeding 16 head of
cattle and 4 horses besides comers and goers. We have no snow at
present nor not like for any more the sun hath taken it all away
without rain. I think we can spare about 1500 stone of hay. The land
is a rich strong clay in general laying on Limestone Rock only needs
once ploughing a year. It produces great crops of every kind of
grain without either lime, manure or any other things. We can grow
popkins and mellons of every kind. Onions and cucumbers and every
kind of garden bettageable with the least trouble imagineable. The
country is healthful abounding with plenty of water springs, little
creeks and large rivers. Wee are getting a large village very fast.
There is 4 good stores with a good supply of both wearing apparel
and all kinds of eatables. Flour 1 per stone. Beef and pork 3 cents
per #. Coffee 12 cents per #. Tea and shugar a little lower than
with you. All kinds of cottons about the same as with you. Shooes
and Boots cheap. Hats much the same as with you. Butter you can sell
for 1 per lb. to the stores now. In summer 6 per lb. always good
sale. Cheese 4 per lb. about half new milk. You can buy cows with
good calfs with them in the spring for about 30s per couple. Good
sheep for about 8 shillings per lb. Sheep clips out 4 lb. each.
Horses from 8 to 10 pounds each. Harnesses much the same as with
you but a great deal of the work is done by oxen about home and the
Diggings. A good yoke costs from 5 to 6 pounds. Wm. Bushby and wife
sends their kind loves to you. Ann is like to be confined every day.
They are milching 3 cows and hath half of [ownership?] of Yoke of Exen and cart with me. They like the country well. No more of Old
England for them. They have bought them a good House, which stands
them to about 5 pounds. His hay only costs him the labour. There is
beautiful pastures in summer. Free for everyone and an excellent
butter country. Good land can be bought of Government for 5s per
acre with as good a title as any free land in England without
improvements on. I think you could rent a farm for 10 pounds per
year that you could keep as much stock on as you do on yours. No
poor rates or taxes of any kind except property taxes which is very
small. Bushby lives
quarter of a mile. Son Wm. and Dorothy, Thos.
March and John
Hillary hath bought
themselves a house about 200 yards from ours but Dorothy and Thomas
March still sleep
with us. Wee got all our hay together and keeps all our stock
together. George and T.
March says they could like to come and see all their
Relations friends and old acquaintances once more but if John
March comes too
Amerrica this spring as he is Expected to do it is a a great chance
that either [ ] or you will ever see them again unless you
[ ] to see them in Amerrica. Mary hath got married and is
liveing about 3 miles from us. Your brothers and sisters and all old
acquaintances are well and sends their kind loves to you. Your
mother hath had her health very good for a long time. I had some
illness in the biginning of winter which was brought on by violent
wetting to the skin when from home seeking some strayed cattle but
all of us in Good Health at present. Thank God for it. Wee have a
Sunday School where the Children goes every Sunday. Four of them got
new testaments for saying the Ten Commandments. We have a free
school about 9 months in the year. Free for all children. It is a
free country and newcomers have the same priveliege for their
children as them that hath been thare for all their lives
ln your next letter let us
know all perticulars about your children. Give our kind respects to
Brother Edward and wife and Mary says she is going to rite to them
this week. Likewise to Sister Nancy and family and wee could like to
have them with us. John could like to have them come on as soon as
possible. They can get them. Likewise to Nephew John
Richardson and
family. I could like to have a letter from him to how he gets on and
what family he hath and whether he could like to come to Amerrica or
not. You never name what anything about your Brother John nor
whether he would like to come to Amerrica with you or not. Give my
respects to Thos. March
and tell him I have looked for a letter from him for a long time.
Give our respects to all of our relations all old neighbours and all
Enquireing friends. I should be Glad to have a letter from any of
them that will rite to me as they will never have an oppertunity of
seeing me again in Old England. If you think of comeing let me know
in your next letter that I may be able to provide a situation for
you. I think it will be one year from this before you can get your
affairs settled.
George and Sarah
New Diggings, Wisconsin Territory |
New Diggins
Wednesday November 14th, 1844
Dear son and
Daughter, I rite to you hoping to find you in good helth as it
leaves us at present. Thanks be to the all mighty god for it. I have
wanted to rite to you some time since but we looked for one from you
as it is near 15 weeks since your father sent his first letter and
than he sent one with William
Edgewhite we hope you have got.
Bunskel had got a letter that his
father was very ill so he was coming to see him so John
Hilliary came last night and said
he would go with him. So the next [
] back in the spring and if not you can come with William
If you think of
coming the sooner the better when you are young as i think it is not
so well for people when they get up in years to change their
country. But I myself never enjoyed better helth than what I have
this last somer. Your father has not had as good helth as me.
Bushby and Ann has not had good
helth this sommer ti1 after hay time. William and Leah is well
and they have got a daughter and they call it Sarah. William
[Ball] and Mary is well. She has been confined 3 weeks and she
has got a daughter and calls it [Baby Ann?]. Thomas
Gray and Dorothy is well.
George and all our children are all in good health and Cathrine is
going to be the talleth of her [
]. Edward and sister Jane [
] never heard if he got it. you tell him to rite to us and [
] how his little son gets on and all our old neighbours. And
Bushby rote to Edward
Hird a year since and they never
heard if they had got it. You must remember us to John
Ritchison an dfamily and your
father wished him to rite to him but he never has. We send our
loves to David and Betty
Siddle and tell them rite and let
us know how they and her Mother and uncle and ant Ann and all is
getting on. Remember us to sister Nancy and family. Tell
them to send what Mary calls her child and if she gets any [pay] for
it. Remember us to William
Blades and family and tell him to
rite to us. You must sned us how old ant Ann is if she be
living . Remember us to John
Hilleary and George and all frends.
Your father could like to have a letter from Thomas
March or any of his cusins to hear
how all his frends are getting on.
Daughter as our famely is like to sittuate themselves in this
country we thought if you weare hear all our family would be near.
We would not perswade you but as you thought yourselves if Thomas
did not like the country it would make us very unhappy. John
Hillary says [one whole line
missing] [
] bring your beds as you will want them every night. You need not
mind what the ticks is if they be whole for tickin is as [lawl] hear
as with you. You may put the fethers out of the pillers into
the beds and put the ticks in your box as you may make your
children's beds without pillers less you have louse the bess cover
you will have. You must have something strong to wrap the beds in
either [harden] or thin beds covers and it will [dow] for a [hop].
You will not need so many bedclothes after you get out of the ship.
I wish you not to have your boxes as small as ours but to have them
bigger and stronger. You need not matter to have them fine. Shoes is
the worst artical we have. I would wish you to have good shoes and
not strong, but if your children have good clogs I would bring them.
[ ] get them new ones. Bring yourself
a pair like boots and clog pattens and what stockings [you have].
Needful hear is wool stuf, dresses for yourself and children to
travel in. Have your children slips with sleves in to keep them
clean. Check is dear and not good hear. Flanel is dearer. Thomas you
must have good overcoat for winter and you a decent cloak before you
come for the making costs almost as mutch as the cloth. The
talor will not cut a vest under 25 cents and make yourself colored
caps. Get you and sarah each a coulered straw bonnet line them and
trim them with dark colour. If Thomas or you have any good hats to
bring you must have a little thinwood box to set inside of another
or you will have them spoiled. You must have caps for your boys to
travel in. Men must have caps to wear in the ship. If your children
have old sherts [
] whole to keep them warm. Let them wear them as long as can be on
the ship and if they be to no use you can tos them away. It will be
the least trouble and be not too free of chaingen at first as you
will want many changes. I wish you to take your own beef and bacon
and butter. You have jars or tin cans and chees. You will have to
pay dear for it at Liverpoul and very bad too. Make plenty of
oatmeal bred. It keeps the longest. You will want something for tost
when you are sick. Our children was very sick. You must take plenty
of mint with you as nothing will take the tast of the water but
mint. Take plenty of oil of mint from home with you. You must have
currants and [ ] apples
but don't forget mint. I wish you to bargan with the cook of the
ship to cook your meat as you will find enoughtto make it without
minding the fire. Besides it will make your children's clothes so
dirty with smoke and grime. Take your tea kettle, dripping pan,
every tin thing you have. They are bad tin at Liverpoul. If you have
a wood bucket you must take it. You cannot do without one. Take as
many of your pots as you can for it will pay you if you pack them
well in your clothes. I put my cups in a little basket with papers
or rag between them only had one broken. I tied up one dozen of
plates in a hankercheife and put them in the middle of the clothes.
Blue-edged dish cost 50 sents and 6 bits for blue ones, common
blue-edge plates 3 bits and same for jugs you can get for 5 pence.
think of your butter [boxes] and a pare or 2 of clipping shears.
When you get out of the ship you will have to put your louse clothes
into a box. Do not have bags for they are in danger of being lost.
All these last people that came has lost bags with dirty clothes in
it. Cover your old quilts and make them good and cord your boxes
well. Don't pinch on cord. As we came we lost William's little trunk
with all our stockins but what we had on except thin ones. You must
have [onngall]for yourselves. Stockin as we cannot wear yarn
in somer. Cotton stockins as low as 2 bits that is [
] If you have a good basket i would take it will be useful on
the way. If your brother John comes with his little chist will
be right to hold clothes. I don't know whether he can make it
or not. I must conclude with my blessing on you all.
and Sarah
March |
9th 1845 New Diggins
Son and daughter I now take the oppertunity of writeing a few lines
to you hopeing they will find you all in good health as they leave
us as the present and all of our country people thanks be to the
Lord for it and all other blessings we receive at his bountiful
hands as this will be the last oppertunity of riteing to you that I
shall, have for you to receive before you start but you must rite
back in return when you start as a-letter will come about a month
sooner than you can come and again rite from New York as two or
three lines will come much quicker than you beside wee shall be
uneasy to hear from you as soon as possibleand as their is so many
comeing along with you wee think that you will be satisfied without
one of us as it will be a great exspense beside loss of time at such
a valuable season of the year and wee shall have a great deal of
work both for ourselves and for you as it will be about the 1st of
June before you can get to us John
Fawcett says their is
a man coming along with you from Swaledale head of the name of
Rich Pattison
which will bring Ralph
Fawcett along with him and you will have seen both him and
many more thatis comeing before you receive this letter you will
have seen our Nephew [John]
Hillary wee just befor this and he can tell you all
perticulars to you better than we can by riteing. Wee send our kind
loves to our Sister Nancy and family hopeing that the Lord will have
restored them all to their former health again and likewise to
Brother Edward and family hopeing they are all well and he will now
get all perticulars of his Nephew and if he should think proper to
come to us wee any of us will be glad to give him any assistance
that lays in our power and you must state in your letter all
perticulars who is comeing along with you. Rite immediately after
receiveing this letter and again when you start. Son Wm.
isexpecting a letter from John
Hillary and
Brunskill which if
they have not rote before you receive this letter they must rite
immeidately to let us know how they got home and how all was when
they got home and who is comeing back with you whether any more than
[orton] or not of them. I could like you to bring us about six
potatoeonions for seed thus wee could get a breed of them I expect
that Thos. March
[hath] them if not they have plenty about Marrick likewise about ˝
peck of short potatoe oates which you easily can get anywhere and as
for other little things I named in our other letters which you will
have received before this tell us in return what you have done about
your Land and all other perticulars as wee are very desireous of
knowing all wee can learn by riteing. I think the sooner your
Brother John comes to America the better it will be for him as he
now can buy almost as good a place as his for one years rent and as
population increases land will all get dearer and if he waites till
he gets an answer back from you it will not be as favourable one as
very few likes at first that hath been used to an old country, at
first John Fawcett
likes well and all ways did. All he rues is not comeing sooner.
Him and Nephew is doing well and I think almost everyone is doing
well at present. Wee have had the [
] winter so far that
every any of us ever [
] bare all the time. Wee have
no rate [ ] or taxes except highway ratesand pr operty taxes
which is low. All your Brothers and sisters sends their kind love
to you and all other relations and enquireing friends hopeing before
long to see you once more in the flesh which will be a great
pleasure to them as well as to me and your mother to see both you
and our dear little grandchildren 'again so wee conclude with our
blessings on each and all of you wishing you a good Journey and safe
and happy landing here.
George and Sarah
notes in George March's
handwriting: If you have not sold your cur Bitch she would be very
useful and some of the ships charges about 10 [shillings] while
others charges not at all I think she will be rather troublesome on
the way but if here she might be of great value so I will leave it
to yourself to judge on as for a gun they are plentiful enough there
and you will have to buy if you want one anyway you may bring your
pistol if you choose.
[a different handwriting but unsigned]
must bring Mary a pare of stays about your sise |
From Wm. Thos.
Included in the letter above from George and Sarah
March dated Febr. 9, 1845
Dear Father and Mother Brothers and
sisters I now take another opportunity of writing a few lines
to you as this is the fourth letter I have rote without ever
receiveing an answer from any of you and i am in good health as I
hope these few lines will find all of you and all other relations
and enquireing friends as my Brother John has lost his partner in
life and cannot come I am very sorry yet if he does come I will do
all that lays in my power for him [I would] like very much that you
would [let my] Brother Geo. come along with Thos.
White just for to see the country
for one year which if it pleases God to spare me till one year and
from June I intend to come back to England to see you all once more
and I would be sure to bring him safe back to you if the lord should
spare both of us that lenth of time it will be a great chance that
as ever will have so good a chance of seeing so much of this world
in so little a time and at so little expense. Thos.
White I think would have no
objections of laying down the money that would bring him here which
I would remit back to him as soon as he
arrives with us which would save
me a deal of trouble other ways. I again send my respects to
my Uncle William
Littlefair hopeing that he will be
so kind as to send me a double Barreld gun to [ ] for
his sake not that guns is not plentiful [
] and I cannot get one myself [
] wages and still liveing at home your [
] rote in one of my letters to you hopeing that you rite him back
how both yourselves and all other relations and old neighbours are
doing in perticular if you have never rote please be so kind as to
answer this letter with speed as it is with great pleasure that wee
receive a letter from any of you give my respects to my old friend
Hillary and tell him to rite us a
letter immediately and let us know all perticulars. I am Yours
Truly Thos.
March |
This letter appears to have been from one of the March daughters to
her sister Margaret White.
Dear frend now [ ] My Dear brother and
sister I now take up my pen to inform you my well fare hopine to
find you in gud helh as they leave me at present thank god for it my
mother is getting well agane father is very well all my brothers and
sister is very well sister and her familey is very well we ware in [galena?] on the fourth of July it was a grat day thear Gor and
thomas Dorothy and I was thar we received your leter on the fourth
of July we were glad to hear that you ware geting well agane you
state in your leter that sum of ous sade that we wad com over sum
satrday night but I think of coming yet and i don not care wheder it
be satrd or sunday or what day it may be [ ] only could ever se you
or took with you [ ] again you say thiat we al forgot to wright i
have take up my pen manyey a time to write to you and i never could
writ before my hand tremleled so viry bad and i am not a grat writer
yet well now my father and mother is besid me and i can not writ for
them tooking abut you and thay say that thay did not tell you that
thay had bot 5 shep and they say that our Thomas also but 300 sheep
[working] and he and my father thot that he could get beter then
them for they wanted a Doler for them but that that thot could get
beter for the money my mother gave him al the money thay she has in
the house to by them. the children has just com from sunday school
thomas sase that you have to tell John to com to se us and Barbry
sase that sarah has to come i think that i would ike viry much to se
john but more so to se saray i wold like viry much to see you all
which sumtimes i think i shall see you before it is very long and
sum times i think that i shall never se you agane babry has com
upstase and sase [you] tell littl saray to come and play with me and
she could say no more for crying and then she [run] downstase agane
and i have bot my self a sid saddel and barbry gon over to sisters
riding and then thinking aoubt little saray. Thomas has a horse John
has a hors william has a hors i believe thomas got his to go a
sparking on and then has got no plas to go to John went to Bebukes
and we doonot now how he kame out and our geroge went to snake holow
and he got sick and had to com home and i had got sum aquentens at
gleneay [Galena] and i was thare 2 weakes in July i am thinking abut
goin from home agane tomorrow to stay with a woman which abut to be
put to bed and she has no family yet. She is a dressmaker and she
said that she will give me 9 doler a month for as long as i will
stay and have my sewing don it is about a mile from home Dorothy
has a grat deal of soun you must give my best respectues to my ant
march and tell her that John is a very god little boy and he will
come home to see them all agane Thomas sends his best respects to
all his frends. John and Thomas is taking about get mared for thar
is a young man coming and is telling them abut a weding which has
lately happened and so now i would ke to let you know that we are
all couine just now i am siting writing thomas is plaking jack and
all the foakes is from home that is just what we ar a duin just now
you must wright to me and tell me how you are all geten on give my
best respects to uncle edward and to |